TDO25M Turbocharger 49173-02610 49173-02612 49173-0262 28231-27500 for Hyundai D3EA Engine
Turbocharger TD025M-06T-2.8 / TDO25M
Part No./ OEM NO.
49173-02610, 49173-02612, 49173-02620, 49173-02622,2823127500, 28231-27500
Application Engine
Hyundai D3EA Engine
This new turbocharger replaced the original Honeywell-Garrett in the aftermarket.
We offer all new repalcement turbochargers and parts at competitive prices and high quality. Replacement turbochargers are used in the aftermarket.

TDO25M Turbocharger 49173-02610 49173-02612 49173-0262 28231-27500 for Hyundai D3EA Engine
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