RHV4 Turbocharger 8981320692 8-98132-0692 898132-0692 8982356281 VIGM for ISUZU D-MAX 3.0L Engine
Turbocharger RHV4
Part No./ OEM NO.
8981320692 , 8-98132-0692, 898132-0692, 8982356281,VIGM
Application Engine
ISUZU D-MAX 3.0L Engine
This new turbocharger replaced the original IHI in the aftermarket.
We offer all new repalcement turbochargers and parts at competitive prices and high quality. Replacement turbochargers are used in the aftermarket.

RHV4 Turbocharger 8981320692 8-98132-0692 898132-0692 8982356281 VIGM for ISUZU D-MAX 3.0L Engine
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