172743 172253 53319887001 53319707101 23528062 Turbo K31 172743 for Detroit S60 with billet compresor wheel
Turbocharger K31
Part No./ OEM NO.
53319887001, 53319887101 ,53319707001, 53319707101 172743, 172253, 23528062, 23525463, 23528064, 23528059, 23528052, 23528069, 23528065, 23526016, 23522312,
23526271, 23522190, 23526679, 23526272, 23522188, 23522189, 23529103
Application Engine
Detroit S60 Engine
This new turbocharger replaced the original Borg Warner – 3K – Schwitzer in the aftermarket
We offer all new repalcement turbochargers and parts at competitive prices and high quality. Replacement turbochargers are used in the aftermarket.

172743 172253 53319887001 53319707101 23528062 Turbo K31 172743 for Detroit S60
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